School Links
Schoolloop website
School District Website
Make on-line deposits to your student's cafeteria account
LBUSD page that links to all high schools in the district.
Summary of Parent Rights and Responsibilities. In English, Spanish & Khmer
Regular, Minimum Day, and Assembly
District resource that handles parent concerns
PTA Organizations
LBCPTA provides support and training for unit PTAs in Long Beach, Lakewood, Signal Hill and Catalina
Thirty-Third District PTA provides support and training for Council PTAs in the greater Los Angeles area
CAPTA provides support for District PTAs throughout the state and advocates for children to state legislators
Common Core Standards Information
Find out what they are and how they will be implemented at LBUSD
Link to the Parents' Guide to Student Success created by the National PTA
Middle School Sports Links
Schedule of middle school sporting events for LBUSD.
Required forms to be filled out prior to practices and games. Forms MUST be submitted to the Main Office and Nurse.
Detailed date, time, and location for Stanford volleyball games.
Detailed date, time, and location for Stanford football games.
Parent Education Links
Family Resources from PTA and other sites.