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    Simply turn in the Membership Application that was included with the Back-to-School packet (that was sent the first day of school) with the $10.00 per member fee to your Advisory Teacher or the Main Office.  Please contact Barbara Blackburn, Membership Chair, at for more information.



    Stanford PTA Strives to Have 800 Members in 2013-2014!
    Thank you for Supporting Stanford PTA!

    Question? I am a very busy parent but I want to support my child’s school.  What can I do to support Stanford PTA that won’t take up a lot of my time?

    Answer.  Just by filling out the membership envelope and putting in $10 per member, you will be helping Stanford.  You don’t have to attend meetings & you don’t have to volunteer to work an event.  Of course, we welcome your help and would would like for you to attend our meetings.

    You can support us just by being a member!  Just by signing up to be a PTA member at Stanford, you are helping to get the ideas of PTA heard all the way to the White House.  PTA is a national organization.   When you join at Stanford, you become one of the 1 million voices in California and one of the 5 million voices in the United States speaking out on behalf of our children and education.  Benefits of being a Stanford PTA member is that you will get a say in how we spend the money raised at the school.  You are welcome to attend our PTA meetings and help with our programs, but it is not a requirement.  We will send out emails letting you know when we need assistance or donations if you give us your email address but it is up to you to decide if you can help or not.

    SMS PTA’s goals for the coming year are:

    • To gather 800 Stanford PTA memberships from parents, students, teachers, school staff, family friends, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins & community members. ASK EVERYONE YOU KNOW!
    • To keep parents informed of issues and events happening at Stanford and in the district.
    • To support the Stanford teachers and staff by providing parent help when needed.
    • To provide programs for the students & families of Stanford to participate in and enjoy.

    When you become a member, your support will bring us closer to accomplishing these goals. If you would like to become part of the solution and help further the cause of PTA please start by completing the attached PTA Membership envelope, enclose your dues either in cash or by check* made out to Stanford PTA and return the envelope to your student’s advisory teacher or drop it off in the office as soon as possible.  Our dues are only $10.00 per member. Every PTA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Any additional support in the form of a donation stays here with Stanford PTA and is always appreciated.

    Member contact information is shared within the organization only (California State PTA and National PTA) to provide improved communication and member benefits.

    *Returned checks will be subject to a $25.00 return check charge

     A PTA membership envelope was sent home in the “Back to School” packet.  If you are not able to locate it or if you need space to sign up more members, please download and print the membership form along with dues and send them back to school in an envelope (please include your name and email address on the envelope).  They may be turned into the office or to your student’s advisory teacher.

    Thank you for joining and supporting Stanford PTA!