Thank you, Michele K - Coldwell Banker!
May 16, 2014
Thank you, Life in Los Altos' very own Michele K - Coldwell Banker!!! She organized a Segeant Shredder shred and E-waste round-up last on May 10 at Stanford Middle School. Her efforts raised almost $2,000!
Read all about it here.
Attendance Issues and Crime by City Prosecutor Doug Haubert
March 20, 2014
At March's PTA Association meeting, Long Beach City Prosecutor Doug Haubert educated PTA membership about the city's efforts to curb truancy and increase attendance in our youth. He explained the levels of intervention that the school, the LBUSD, and his Office implements to help students stay in school. He noted that chronic truancy is a precursor to criminal behavior in the future and he mentioned that there are resources and procedures that parents can take to make sure their children stay in school. Thank you, Doug Haubert, for bringing this this to our attention.
Thank you, Stanford Families and Domenico's!
March 13, 2014
Our March 12 Family Night Out was at Domenico's Italian Restaurant at Belmont Shore. Thank you to all the famillies that attended and to Domenico's! Stanford Middle School will receive 25% of the proceeds. Our next Family Night Out is at Los Altos' own Taco Beach on Bellflower Blvd...stay tuned for details!
Online Resources for Parents to Keep Your Youth Safe Online
February 23, 2014
To find out more information on digital citizenship for families, download the BE a PRO Parent guide here.
Keep this acronym in mind to help you and your family connect with confidence.
B alance
E thical Use
P rivacy
R elationships & Reputation
O nline Security
Other resources to help keep your teen safe online:
Parent Control Apps
My Mobile Watchdog
Teen Safe iPhone Monitoring
Media and Technology Reviews
Common Sense Media
Center on Media and Child Health
Want to know what LOL, OMG, and other net acronyms mean?
Net Lingo Internet Dictionary
Thank You, LB Police Department's Commander Paul LeBaron!
February 23, 2014
February's PTA meeting featured speaker, Commaner Paul LeBaron, of the Long Beach Police Department. His presentation was on Pop Culture and how it affects our youth. Those in attendance were made aware of what content is out there in the media, online, and in video games and readily accessible by our youth.
February's Chipotle Family Night Out was HOT!
February 23, 2014
Our Chipotle Family Night Out fundraiser was a HOT success! Thank you, Stanford families, teachers, and Chipotle Mexican Grill at the Traffic Circle. Chipotle donated 50% of the proceeds that evening back to Stanford - over $700 that day! If you missed it there is still time to support. Come join us at our March 12 fundraiser at Domenico's Italian Restaurant at Belmont Shore.
Local Control Funding Formula and LBUSD
February 7, 2014
Funding for California's school districts is now determined by the new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). LBUSD Board of Education has scheduled a special meeting for 5 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 11 at Stanford Middle School to hear an update on the school district’s implementation of the state’s Local Control Funding Formula. The meeting is open to the public and is for informational purposes, not for board action.
LBUSD's webpage on LCFF:
>>Notice on this page the downloadable PDF files in English, Spanish, and Chinese --these are 2-page explanations of LCFF and LCAP.
2. Effective 4-minute video about goals of the new funding formula and how important parent engagement is:
3. EdSource's 4-page summary guide to school finance reform.
4. For the most knowledgeable or curious PTA leaders, here are some more detailed options:
California Department of Education webpage with FAQs on LCFF topics:
EdSource article about the guidelines for writing the LCAP (written just before the State Board of Education adopted the guidelines):
Actual regulations adopted by the State Board of Education on January 16th (LCAP section starts on page 7)
Actual text of Education Code (laws) on the LCAP:
Naples Rib Company...Thank You!
February 7, 2014
Thank you families and the Stanford community for participating in the Naples Rib Company Family Night Out in January! Naples Rib Company has donated over $200 back to our school this year...THANK YOU, NAPLES RIB COMPANY!
Keep supporting Stanford PTA and the programs we support at Stanford! Our next Family Night Out is at Chipotle on Wednesday, February 12.. See the flyer for details.
Susan McRoberts Presented Digital Literacy for Families to PTA
February 7, 2014
Thank you to our librarian, Susan McRoberts, for presenting Verizon and iKeepSafe's Digital Literacy for Families presentation to Stanford's parents and students at January's PTA meeting. The presentation covered important topics about online behavior such as ethics, privacy, reputation, relationships, and online security. For more information on how to protect your child's online behavior, go to
Graduating High School Senior Scholarships
January 25, 2014
Applications due February 3.All students who are PTA members at a PTA high school and are involved in volunteer service may apply for a $500 scholarship to continue their education at an accredited college. Completed applications are due in the state PTA office by February 3, 2014. Click here for more information.
Fit-a-Thon Results are In!
Stanford students raised over $42,000 at this school year's Fit-a-Thon, with some funds already approved to replace the old computers in the library. All Stanford students are able to use these computers during their library period, before school, or after school when the library is staffed. Thank you, Stanford families and to Alana Stevens, our Fit-a-Thon Chair!
Ms. Morales' Students Say "Thank You!"
Ms. Morales' class benefitted from Stanford's fundraising efforts this year. With the funds they were able to purchase a Hoyer Lift Sling, an assistive device which helps transfer/transport students safely while decreasing back stress on their classroom caregivers.
All Stanford teachers are able to apply for PTA grants or request extra classroom funds for the benefit of their students. Our students' fundraising efforts help make this happen.
Action Games Action!
Fit-a-Thon prize recipients were treated to a great time at Actions Games last Friday. Students climbed, slid, raced, bumped, and ran through inflatable obstacles during the PE period. Thank you, Fit-a-Thon contributors!
CPK, Thanks!
NOVEMBER 17, 2013
Thank you Stanford families for coming to our Family Night Out last Wednesday. California Pizza Kitchen donated 20% of the proceeds to Stanford. We received over $200 that evening! Thank you, CPK!
Our next Family Night Out is Wednesday, January 15 at Naples Rib Company on 2nd Street.
Parents of Stanford Middle School are invited by Millikan High School PTA to be educated on the following issue:
Food Truck Feast!
Come support Stanford Student Council as they host a Food Truck Fest this Friday, November 8 at 6:00pm - 8:00pm. They will be stationed near the lunch bench area, on the east side of campus.
November PTA Meeting
Join us for our third meeting of the year! Tuesday, November 19 at 6:30 is our next PTA meeting. Location will be either in the library or the auditorium - stay tuned for location information. November's Parent Ed speaker is our Assistant Principal, Shawn Abbate, who will discuss the High School School of Choice application process specific to Stanford students and present the programs that LBUSD's high schools have to offer. Everyone is welcome, bring your 8th grader!!!
Welcome Dance for 6th Graders
Tomorrow is the Welcome Dance for our Stanford 6th graders. Student Council and WEB leaders are helping to coordinate this dance, which is also the first dance of the school year. SMS PTA is providing the funding for the refreshements. Have FUN 6th graders!
Thank you, Carolyn Gatzke!
Local area parent coach, Carolyn Gatzke of Engage, was our parent educator for October's meeting. She provided those in attendance valuable strategies and examples to deal with our teens. She spoke on "Remembering which lesson we are teaching" when we give them a consequence to "Making home a safe haven" for our teens who are dealing with the stresses at school, pressures from peers and media, and anxieties about their futures. She also answered many of our parenting questions. If you were unable to make it and have a question specific to your needs, you can visit her website at for her contact information.
Fit-a-Thon 2013
Last Friday's Fit-a-Thon was a great success! Thank you to all our participants, volunteers, donors, teachers, staff, and a special shout-out to Alana Stevens, Fit-a-Thon Chair, for putting it all together! Now is the time to collect your pledges and bring your pledge envelope to school on October 22. PTA members will be on hand to collect the envelopes BEFORE first period that day. Look out for them by the lunch benches.
Thank you Dr. Garlington DDS for the generous donation, Ralphs Market for the bottled waters, Zumba instructor Summer Hardey, and Tutti Frutti frozen yogurt for the gift cards!
Fit-a-Thon Rally
Guess which feet are Principal Dr. Costa's? Wear crazy socks this Friday at Fit-a-Thon!
Thank You - Hof's Hut Family Night Out!
It was a great turnout at last night's first Family Night Out at Hof's Hut. Thank you to all the families, friends, and teachers that attended! 15% of the proceeds will be donated back to Stanford! If you missed last night, the next Family Night Out is at California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) on November 13. Look out for detailed announcements and flyers closer to that date.
Next PTA Meeting - October 15
Our next PTA Meeting is Tuesday, October 15 in the Stanford Library at 6:30. The budget, programs, events, and upcoming activities will be discussed. Our highly recommended Parent Ed speaker this month is Carolyn Gatzke, a parenting coach based in our local area. You will come away with valuable parenting information, even if you've been to her presentations before. See you next Tuesday and bring a friend!
BIO Carolyn Gatzke has a passion for parenting. It began when her daughter was born in 1988, and cemented in 1991 when she saw the impact her work as a Child Development Specialist at Long Beach City College had on the families she encountered.
After obtaining her Masters degree in Human Development from Pacific Oaks College and navigating the challenges of launching a teen, Carolyn opened Engage Parent Coaching and Education in 2005. Most of her work is done through private consultations designed to help parents effectively manage the inevitable challenges that accompany raising children, though she also does observations, group discussions, and public speaking.
Minimum Days for District Back-to-School Nights
Just a friendly reminder that Tuesday 10/1 and Wednesday 10/2 are minimum days. Students will be released at 2:18 p.m. We at Stanford already had our Back-to-School on a special night, so do not come to school this week. If you have another child at another LB middle school or high school, their Back-to-School night may be on these days. Please check your calendar.
eScrip Shopping Online For the Holidays
Stanford eScrip Group ID is 6573557______________________________________________________________________________
Parent Information from PTA in California
Take a look at the great resources and tips for parents and members in the special "Connecting Families and Schools" edition of PTA in California. Learn more about supporting learning at home, selecting healthy snacks, talking to your children about bullying, plus much more.
We encourage you to share with friends, family, educators, community leaders and everyone who cares about children.
Get connected with PTA
Get connected with California State PTA for the latest news and resources on education, advocacy, health, arts education and more.
From the CAPTA website
Fit-a-Thon Assembly
A very special thank you to Ms. Riley, Ms. Knowles, PAE (Performing Arts Ensemble), and the Stanford Cheerleaders for coordinating today's Fit-a-Thon Assembly. The assembly came a day early, but that's one day more to get energized for the event, which is scheduled for Friday, October 11. Everyone participates in the activities on that day, regardless of how many pledges are brought in. Students who bring in donations which reach a certain prize level will be able to participate and receive those prizes!!! Your student's Fit-a-Thon packet will explain the prize level information. Let's get REAL fit and help support your school!!! Click on the Fit-a-Thon link for more information.
Parent VIPS Needed
Parent VIPS (Volunteers In Public Schools) are needed at Stanford this year. Principal Dr. Costa has several opportunities for parent VIPS. In order to be a VIPS volunteer, you must fill out the application and test negative for TB. More detailed VIPS information can be found here. Opportunities include lunchtime supervision, library help, classroom help, etc. Submit all forms to Laura Martinez in the Main Office. Contact for more information.
E-Waste/Document Shredder Drive - May 10, 2014
Save the date!!! On May 10, 2014, Life in Los Altos realtor, Michele K of Coldwell Banker, will host an E-Waste/Sergeant Shredder Document Shredding Drive that will benefit Stanford Middle School! Michele K has given generously in the past by sponsoring our school's Jeopardy Tournament which is held in June.
Photo has been altered to protect the identities of our students.
Do you have computers, monitors, lap tops, hard drives, cell phones that you want to dispose of but are afraid of someone hacking into important info? What about documents with sensitive personal information like passwords, social security numbers, or financial/medical information? You can dispose of these items for FREE knowing that you are protected. Take these items to the E-Waste/Sergeant Shredder Document Shredding Drive at Stanford Middle School on May 10. The proceeds are given to Stanford Middle School. Tell your friends and family! This is PERFECT for businesses and households that need to protect identities AND be environmentally consious at the same time. Thank you for hosting this event once again, Michele K! View the video of last year's event. Michele K is looking for volunteers to help out with this event. Please submit your name to and we will forward your name to her.
Abilities Awareness - Oct. 24
Student Council is hosting an Ability Awareness Day on October 24. On this day, 6th graders will be aware and talk about what people with certain disabities are ABLE to do. These activities will take place during your 6th grader's PE class. Ms. Gerritsen, the Student Council rep, is asking for parent volunteers to help out on this day. Please contact Ms. Gerritsen for more information.
Membership Update
Stanford PTA now has over 500 memberships this school year! We are almost to our school goal of 800 memberships. There are many ways to get involved. Being a part of PTA puts you more in touch with your child's education and gives you a voice in determining how our fundraising dollars are spent. It is not too late to join. Click here for more information.
Sign-up or renew your account today! Stanford's Group ID is 6573557.
First PTA Meeting is September 17
SEPTEMBER 15, 2013
Everyone is invited to come to Stanford's first PTA meeting of the year on Tuesday, September 17 at 6:30 in the Stanford Library. At this meeting, the 2013-2014 budget, membership, programs, fundraisers, and events will be discussed and some important proposals will be voted on by PTA members. Our Parent Education speaker will be our new principal, Dr. Dave Costa. Please attend and make your voices heard. Below is a draft agenda for the meeting.
Box Tops for Education Drive Starts Now!
Gather the Box Tops you've been saving over the summer and start clipping Box Tops now! Each Box Top that you send means 10 cents to Stanford. In years past, we have made over hundreds of dollars with this program. Find out more information on Stanford's Box Tops Drive here.
Hawk Talk Issue #1
The first issue of Hawk Talk , SMS PTA's newsletter, is available online! You may download your copy on this website OR through SchoolLoop (only limited printed copies will be available in the Stanford Main Office). Hawk Talk will be published 4 times this school year. Print it and use it as a handy reference to all of Stanford Middle School's PTA activities.
Please Note: There is NOT an All Grades School Dance on October 25. The only dance in October is the 6th Grade Welcome Dance on October 18th, which is only for 6th graders. Please make that change on the Event Calendar in Hawk Talk Issue #1 that was released online September 9 and printed for the Main Office. The most updated version with this change is now online.
Thursday, September 12 is Stanford's Back-to-School Night
September 11, 2013
Stanford's Back-to-School Night is tommorrow at 6:00 p.m. This date is different from other middle schools' BTS Nights on the LBUSD's main calendar. See you there!
First Day of School
September 4, 2013
PTA hopes you had a great first day!
Parents and students, remember read and fill out all the necessary forms in the Back-to-School packet and return them to your Advisory Teacher.
Write in your calendars now...Thursday, September 12 is Stanford Middle School's Back-to-School Night. Stanford scheduled Back-to-School Night much earlier this year. Meet your student's teachers, see their classrooms, and get an overview about the subjects their taking, grading policies, expectations, etc.
Welcome Reminders for Back-to-School
September 3, 2013
Some welcome reminders to parents and students on the first day of school...
- Please arrive early and on time. Anticipate heavy traffic going to and from school.
- Students report to their Alpha stations to receive their class schedules before Period 1. Alpha station information will be posted around the school.
- Mind all traffic / speed limit / parking / pedestrian rules. Please respect our surrounding neighborhood and don't block driveways, double-park, or honk your horn for any reason other than an emergency. Students, please cross the street safely and stay off neighborhood lawns.
- Students may bring a water bottle, especially on hot days.
- Know when and where to pick-up your student if you are driving, designate a regular pick-up spot.
- Fill-out and turn-in all necessary paperwork the school gives you.
Welcome Back-To-School, Stanford Teachers!!!
September 3, 2013
Our hardworking Stanford teachers were treated to a continental breakfast and lunch provided by the PTA. We appreciate the volunteers who donated goodies to the breakfast and helped with set-up/clean-up. A very generous THANK YOU to Starbucks Coffee on Stearns/Bellflower for the coffee and Einstein Bagels on 23rd/Bellflower for bagels. Taco Beach, the new Mexican restaurant on Abbeyfield/Bellflower, sponsored the Teacher Luncheon today.
Thank You, Michele K of Coldwell Banker!
August 26, 2013
A big THANK YOU to Michele K of Coldwell Banker, who helped sponsor Stanford Middle School's Jeopardy Tournament last spring. Proceeds from Stanford's Sargeant Shredder and E-Waste collection drive that she promoted and coordinated were donated to the PTA for the tournament. We appreciate our volunteers who helped collect all the e-waste that day, our teachers, and all the 6th and 7th grade tournament participants. Good job!!!
PTA Hosting Back-to-School Teacher Breakfast
August 26, 2013
On September 3, Stanford PTA is welcoming our hardworking teachers with our annual Back-to-School Teacher Breakfast. If you would like to volunteer your time to set-up, serve, clean-up or donate to the continental breakfast, please email
PTA Positions Still Available!
August 25, 2013
Please be a part of the process and help to enrich your child’s education here at Stanford. The PTA needs your help this year, from a few minutes to a few hours. If you would like to be a part of the decision-making process, we still need a Financial Secretary, Programs Chair and Hospitality Chair. The 8th grade, dance, environmental stewardship, Reflections and Teacher of the Year programs could still use a little help. Also, the Fitathon, eScrip and vintage bake sale could use help. If you don’t want to commit, we maintain a Help As Needed list, for little things here and there. Please email if you are interested. Help us to help Stanford!
A Few Back-to-School Tips
August 22, 2013
We took care of business at TCB Days, here are some back-to-school tips to get the school year started off right.
- Join the PTA! It's just $10 a person. Stanford PTA's goal is 800+ memberships this year. Being a member gives you a say into how our fundraising dollars are spent. Click here for a membership form.
- Students should be up-to-date on their immunizations.
- Those planning on playing a sport in middle school should complete their sport clearances and physicals. These forms are due to the nurse before the first practice. Try-out information will be announced by the coach or PE teacher at a later date. Click onLinks to download forms.
- Both PE uniforms and spirit wear can be purchased in the Main Office before Period 1 throughout the year. We did run out of certain items at TCB Days. A SchoolLoop message will be sent out to notify when those items are available. Cash only, please.
PTA at TCB Days!
August 20, 2013
Today, 6th graders and their parents took care of their school business by getting pictures taken for their IDs and yearbooks, purchased spirit wear and PE uniforms, purchased school supplies and yearbooks, and best of all...JOINED PTA!!! While textbooks will be given to 6th graders during WEB Day, textbooks WILL be distributed to 7th and 8th graders tomorrow and Thursday.
Over 100 new members joined at today's PTA Membership Kick-off (THANK YOU!) and inquired about attending the first PTA Association meeting of the year, which is Tuesday, September 17 at 6:30pm in the Stanford library. Check the Calendar for meeting dates throughout the year.
Spirit Wear and PE Uniforms
Cash only, no checks, debit or credit cards
- Spirit Wear shirts are $10 (red and white, V- and crew neck)
- Spirit Wear sweatshirts are $25 (grey hoodie with zipper front)
- PE uniform shorts are $13 (black athletic)
- PE uniform shirts are $7 (grey)
- PE uniform sweatshirts are $10 (red crew neck)
PE uniform and Spirit Wear may be purchased throughout the year in the mornings in the Main Office.
Look at Stanford Middle School's Facebook site for up-to-date information! Stanford Middle School PTA
Taking Care of Business Days (TCB Days)
Tuesday, August 20 - 6th grade
Wednesday, August 21 - 7th grade
Thursday, August 22 - 8th grade
9:00 am to Noon
Mark your calendars! Taking Care of Business Day is when students can take care of business before the first day of school. Several things happen on this day:
1) PTA membership registration / volunteer sign-up
Membership is just $10.00 per person. Two or more family members are encouraged to register...grandparents, students, and neighbors are encouraged to join. PTA membership allows you to vote during General Meetings. Get involved and join PTA!
2) School ID and yearbook pictures taken
Every student will get a picture taken for the yearbook and take home a school ID card, which a student is required to have on their person at all times during the school day. Every student will also have the option to purchase a picture package.
3) Textbook pick-up
Required textbooks will be handed out to each registered student. These are for use at home.
4) P.E. and school uniform purchase
All students required to follow Stanford's uniform policy while on campus. P.E. uniforms, shirts, and sweatshirts with the Stanford logo will be available for purchase. CASH ONLY.
5) Yearbook pre-orders
Pre-order 2013-2014 yearbooks now at the lowest price.
Detailed information will be mailed to you. Parents, if you are interested in volunteering for one of these days, please contact Samantha Lurie at
Long Beach Council PTA Scholarships Available to Graduating HS Seniors
If you have a graduating senior in your family who attends a HS with a PTA, then you should know that a $500.00 Long Beach Council PTA Scholarship is available to one qualified student from each of the LBUSD high schools with an active PTA/PTSA unit in good standing.
This scholarship is indented for applicants who will attend Long Beach City College in the fall as a full-time student.
The student’s cumulative GPA must be a 2.0 or above.
The student applicant and/or their parent or guardian must be a current PTA / PTSA member at any LBUSD school.
A high school may submit up to three scholarship applications to the Long Beach Council PTA, so contact your HS PTA President for information about how to submit an application. Applications are due from your HS to Long Beach Council PTA on or before May 8th.
Visit our "Resources/Downloads" page to download a copy of the application.
Don't Forget Trashless Tuesdays!
Every Tuesday morning: Bring these recycling items (plastic bottles, aluminum cans, Capri Sun pouches & Frito Lay brand chip bags) in groups of 20 or more from home and drop off on Ocana behind the 300 building by the large recycle container from 8:15 to 8:40.
Lunch time raffle: students can earn 3 raffle tickets for showing that they use a reusable lunch box or bag (no plastic or paper bags), reusable water bottle and one (1) reusable food container. The drawing will be held and prizes awarded once a month.
Eco Store, last Tuesday of each month: Our fabulous Environmental Stewardship Team will be offering an Eco Store on the last Tuesday of every month during lunch time in the lunch area. They will be selling a variety of eco-friendly items such as water bottles, bags, pencil pouches, lunch totes, pencils, pens, rulers, and erasers. For dates, please see the PTA calendar on this website.
Thank you Baja Sonora for Your Donations!
To date, Baja Sonora has donated over $20,000 to Long Beach schools with its PTA/ASB Mondays! Both the locations will donate 10% of your purchase every Monday to the PTA/ASB of your choosing. Thank you Baja Sonora!!