Spring News - Jennifer Golison, SMS PTA President
I can’t believe I’m already writing my last column as Stanford PTA president. In fact, I’m still having a hard time with the fact that it’s 2014, and April at that! I know I sound like my mother when I say that time flies faster with each passing year. It’s bittersweet that my term as president is over. I didn’t intend to be president, but the school needed one, so I stepped up to serve the school that had already served so well my elder two daughters. I hardly attended Stanford PTA meetings when my first daughter started at Stanford since I still had two in elementary school. Knowing what I know now, I wish I had attended more meetings so that I could have been better informed and contributed to PTA decisions. PTA meetings are at night, and it’s so hard to leave the family at that time, but just let Dad make dinner once a month and come to a PTA meeting. I guarantee you will be so glad you did.
Our PTA meetings this year were not very well attended, despite the AMAZING speakers coordinated by PTA vice-president Julie Hatch. At our first meeting in September we met our new principal Dr. Costa, who attended every meeting this year. You couldn’t ask for a better opportunity to ask the principal all the questions you’ve always wanted to ask. In October well renowned parenting coach Carolyn Gatzke had many practical tips for raising middle schoolers. In November we honored our Reflections art winners and our assistant principal Shawn Abbate spoke about the various high school programs and the enrollment process. In January our librarian Susan McRoberts presented a program on digital literacy in our connected world. Commander Paul LeBaron from the LBPD discussed issues affecting our youth and neighborhood in February. In March City Prosecutor Doug Haubert spoke on truancy and the importance of keeping our youth in schools and out of gangs and future crime. Our April meeting included a Teacher of Year reception and Shannan Stephenson, RN discussing adolescent mental health.
I hope all parents take the time to work with PTA, which is not some exclusive group or club, but simply dedicated parents who wish to improve the quality of their child’s education. PTA is already planning for next year and would love your suggestions, creativity and help. Volunteer information is on our website and Facebook page, or simply contact any board member for more information. The PTA is already planning for next year so don’t wait until September. We can use as little or as much time as you can spare, even if for a few minutes here and there.
Thank you to all of those who helped me through this school year as president, particularly the amazing PTA Board, Dr. Costa, Shawn Abbate and all the office staff. Many thanks to all who volunteered this year at Stanford. I tried to thank each volunteer personally. I hope I didn’t miss anyone, but if I did, please know that I appreciate every second you give to our school! Enjoy the lazy, or not so lazy, days of summer!